Sunday 9 October 2011

cavalry attack. the war in libya

After several weeks of calm, around Tripoli in January 1912, air operations were resumed. A large survey was undertaken in the eastern part of the oasis with eight battalions of a mountain battery, the third division of the police, the 11 th infantry and a cavalry squadron.     carabinieri  The  occupation of the oasis of Tadjoura was made, and there began the construction of small reconnaissance squadrons of cavalry at Bir Akara and another squadron to the wadi Rubka where there was  a bloody clash with the Bedouins

On the  18th at Gargaresch, where  forts were being built, there was a fierce fight. In the morning, a column, composed of three battalions of infantry, the  52 °, 1 ° one of the grenadiers, a mountain battery and two squadrons of guides and commanded by Colonel AMARI, was attacked by groups of Arab-Turks, who were put to flight by artillery. But around noon the enemy returned with greater forces and violently attacked . The fighting lasted until almost 17, then the enemy, repulsed, fell back in disarray towards Fonduk el-Toger.

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