World War I kinda had its own Preview in New Haven, and it was the “Italo-Turkish” War, sometimes called the “Turco-Italian” War, but not by either of the participants. Italy calls it the “Libyan War”, and Turkey calls it the “Tripolitan war”. 
Anyway the Ottomans and the Italians disputed three North African Colonies for quite a while, and finally fought it out over these three chunks of mostly arid sand between September of 1911, and October of 1912.It was another disaster.
This was a precursor to World War One in a number of ways and stirred up considerable tensions that eventually erupted later in the decade.
But even more interestingly this Italo-Turkish war, or the Turco-Italian war was used as a war-tech laboratory by Italian Aviators. On this day in 1912, the Italians sent an Airship over enemy lines to check out what the Turks were up to.
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The war also provided the first example of a fixed-wing aircraft in this role…they even tried Aerial Bombing.

The Italo-Turkish or Turco-Italian War and in Turkey as the Trablusgarp Savaşı, "Tripolitan war") was fought between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Italy from September 29, 1911 to October 18, 1912.
During the conflict, Italian forces also occupied the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea.
Although minor, the war was a significant precursor of the First World War as it sparked nationalism in the Balkan states.The Italo-Turkish War saw numerous technological advances used in warfare, notably the aeroplane. On October 23, 1911, an Italian pilot, Captain Carlo Piazza, flew over Turkish lines on the world's first aerial reconnaissance mission, and on November 1, the first ever aerial bomb was dropped by Sottotenente Giulio Gavotti, on Turkish troops in Libya, from an early model of Etrich Taube aircraft.
turk mauser
It was also in this conflict that the future first president of the Republic of Turkey and leader of the Turkish War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), distinguished himself militarily as a young officer.
The claims of Italy over Libya dated back to discussions after the Congress of Berlin in 1878, in which France and Great Britain had agreed to the occupation of Tunisia and Cyprus respectively, both parts of the then declining Ottoman Empire.
When Italian diplomats hinted about possible opposition by their government, the French replied that Tripoli would have been a counterpart for Italy. In 1902, Italy and France had signed a secret treaty which accorded freedom of intervention in Tripolitania and Morocco.
However, the Italian government did little to realize the opportunity and knowledge of Libyan territory and resources remained scarce in the following years.
The Italian press began a large-scale lobbying campaign in favour of an invasion of Libya at the end of March 1911. It was fancifully depicted as rich in minerals, well-watered, and defended by only 4,000 Ottoman troops. Also, the population was described as hostile to the Ottoman Empire and friendly to the Italians: the future invasion was going to be little more than a "military walk", according to them.
The Italian government was hesitant initially, but in the summer the preparations for the invasion were carried out and Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti began to probe the other European major powers about their reactions to a possible invasion of Libya. The Socialist party had strong influence over public opinion. However, it was in opposition and also divided on the issue. It acted ineffectively against a military intervention. (The future fascist leader Benito Mussolini – at this time still a left-wing Socialist – took a prominent anti-war position.)
An ultimatum was presented to the Ottoman government led by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) party on the night of 26–27 September. Through Austrian intermediation, the Ottomans replied with the proposal of transferring control of Libya without war, maintaining a formal Ottoman suzerainty. This suggestion was comparable to the situation in Egypt, which was under formal Ottoman suzerainty, but was actually controlled by the United Kingdom. Giolitti refused, and war was declared on September 29, 1911.
The Italian–Turkish war of 1911–1912 was the first in history that featured air attacks by airplanes and dirigible airships.Despite the time it had had to prepare the invasion, the Italian Royal Army (Regio Esercito) was largely unprepared when the war broke out. The Italian fleet appeared off Tripoli in the evening of September 28, but only began bombarding the port on October 3.It was followed by a floating city of civilians in all kinds of boats trying to sell them goods. the easy road to victory would be another uphill climb for the italians and those historians who have called it an easy italian victory never got their facts right, it was anything but.
The city was conquered by 1,500 sailors,who landed pretty much without too much of a fight. It was all of course another unjust attack on a sovereign people.Think of David Cameron and his hypercritical life. Firast he's demonstrating his disgust at the recent rioters in London then he launches an unprovoked attack on the libyan government and 5,000 people are killed by him and the French. What a total arsehole. This was all done in the beginning with no official sanction from the U.N. So Cameron much worse than any rioters far far far worse.Then Cameron is sacking 2,000 soldiers fighting his silly wars around the world, thats him and Mr Cleggie, two useless pieces of you know what.

Anyway the Ottomans and the Italians disputed three North African Colonies for quite a while, and finally fought it out over these three chunks of mostly arid sand between September of 1911, and October of 1912.It was another disaster.

This was a precursor to World War One in a number of ways and stirred up considerable tensions that eventually erupted later in the decade.

But even more interestingly this Italo-Turkish war, or the Turco-Italian war was used as a war-tech laboratory by Italian Aviators. On this day in 1912, the Italians sent an Airship over enemy lines to check out what the Turks were up to.

The war also provided the first example of a fixed-wing aircraft in this role…they even tried Aerial Bombing.

The Italo-Turkish or Turco-Italian War and in Turkey as the Trablusgarp Savaşı, "Tripolitan war") was fought between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Italy from September 29, 1911 to October 18, 1912.

During the conflict, Italian forces also occupied the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea.

Although minor, the war was a significant precursor of the First World War as it sparked nationalism in the Balkan states.The Italo-Turkish War saw numerous technological advances used in warfare, notably the aeroplane. On October 23, 1911, an Italian pilot, Captain Carlo Piazza, flew over Turkish lines on the world's first aerial reconnaissance mission, and on November 1, the first ever aerial bomb was dropped by Sottotenente Giulio Gavotti, on Turkish troops in Libya, from an early model of Etrich Taube aircraft.

turk mauser
It was also in this conflict that the future first president of the Republic of Turkey and leader of the Turkish War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), distinguished himself militarily as a young officer.
The claims of Italy over Libya dated back to discussions after the Congress of Berlin in 1878, in which France and Great Britain had agreed to the occupation of Tunisia and Cyprus respectively, both parts of the then declining Ottoman Empire.
When Italian diplomats hinted about possible opposition by their government, the French replied that Tripoli would have been a counterpart for Italy. In 1902, Italy and France had signed a secret treaty which accorded freedom of intervention in Tripolitania and Morocco.
However, the Italian government did little to realize the opportunity and knowledge of Libyan territory and resources remained scarce in the following years.
The Italian press began a large-scale lobbying campaign in favour of an invasion of Libya at the end of March 1911. It was fancifully depicted as rich in minerals, well-watered, and defended by only 4,000 Ottoman troops. Also, the population was described as hostile to the Ottoman Empire and friendly to the Italians: the future invasion was going to be little more than a "military walk", according to them.
The Italian government was hesitant initially, but in the summer the preparations for the invasion were carried out and Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti began to probe the other European major powers about their reactions to a possible invasion of Libya. The Socialist party had strong influence over public opinion. However, it was in opposition and also divided on the issue. It acted ineffectively against a military intervention. (The future fascist leader Benito Mussolini – at this time still a left-wing Socialist – took a prominent anti-war position.)
An ultimatum was presented to the Ottoman government led by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) party on the night of 26–27 September. Through Austrian intermediation, the Ottomans replied with the proposal of transferring control of Libya without war, maintaining a formal Ottoman suzerainty. This suggestion was comparable to the situation in Egypt, which was under formal Ottoman suzerainty, but was actually controlled by the United Kingdom. Giolitti refused, and war was declared on September 29, 1911.
The Italian–Turkish war of 1911–1912 was the first in history that featured air attacks by airplanes and dirigible airships.Despite the time it had had to prepare the invasion, the Italian Royal Army (Regio Esercito) was largely unprepared when the war broke out. The Italian fleet appeared off Tripoli in the evening of September 28, but only began bombarding the port on October 3.It was followed by a floating city of civilians in all kinds of boats trying to sell them goods. the easy road to victory would be another uphill climb for the italians and those historians who have called it an easy italian victory never got their facts right, it was anything but.

The city was conquered by 1,500 sailors,who landed pretty much without too much of a fight. It was all of course another unjust attack on a sovereign people.Think of David Cameron and his hypercritical life. Firast he's demonstrating his disgust at the recent rioters in London then he launches an unprovoked attack on the libyan government and 5,000 people are killed by him and the French. What a total arsehole. This was all done in the beginning with no official sanction from the U.N. So Cameron much worse than any rioters far far far worse.Then Cameron is sacking 2,000 soldiers fighting his silly wars around the world, thats him and Mr Cleggie, two useless pieces of you know what.
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