
Thursday, 25 June 2009


Battle of Magenta Battle of Palestro Battle of Solferino
Battle of Custoza
War of 1866 War of 1859 Franco Prussian War Crimean War
Main Rules War of 1859
The Battle of Solferino24th June 1859
The battle of Solferino was the climatic battle of the war of 1859. The Austrians had been forced onto the defensive flowing the battle of Magenta and this days bloody fighting would decide the war. It saw the bulk of the two available Austrian armies take on the combined allied armies of the French and Piedmontese. The fighting can be divided into 3 sectors. In the north the Austrians under Benedek successfully held off the Piedmontese army. The south initially saw parts of the French army attacking, but as Austrian reinforcements arrived the tables turned. Giving the Austrians an opportunity to secure victory, which in the event they spurned. Instead the main attack of the French army was to wrestle the heavily defended area around Solferino from the Austrians and win the day for the allies.
This page gives the details necessary for recreating, on the tabletop, this decisive encounter. The rules used are my own adaption of the excellent 'Fire and Fury' rules for the mid nineteenth century European wars. While it should also be noted that much of the detail of the scenario is adapted from Martin Soilleux-Cardwell's scenario, at VnB Solferino . To whom this piece owns a great debt, although any mistakes, etc are attributable to my own poor efforts

San Martino, Northern sector or the battlefield.
Scale and Notes:
The scale is 1 stand = 300 men and 1 model gun = 12 real pieces for this scenario.
The battle is very large and is spread over 3 large tables. It may be played in 3 different ways. Firstly, of course, you can play the entire battle on one very large table, assuming the figures, time, space, etc available permit this. Unfortunately few of us are lucky enough to possess all, or indeed any, of these things so I propose to alternative methods of recreating the battle. The first of these is fighting each individual sector as a seperate battle, converting the game into 3 'mini' battles. The size of the battle is such this should produce a good days gaming for most people. The second alternative is to fight the battle as 2 seperate battles, i.e. the French at Solferino and the Piedmontese at Solferino. For the two allied armies had little contact with each other on the day and effectively fought seperate battles. This also has the advantage of largely eliminating the potential of cross table combats which may occur if the two 'wings' of the French army are seperated.
Length of the battle: The battle starts with the 07:00 Allied phase and finishes with the 21:00 Austrian phase, or with the mutual agreement of both sides. The whole battle may be brought to an end or a sector / table. The Allies move first each turn. Units on the southern sector / table may not move until the 08:00 turn. During the 17:00 turn the Thunderstorm rules are in effect (see 'Special rules' below). While the 'Post Thunderstorm' rules (see 'Special Rules' below) apply in all turns after 17:00, ie from 17:30 onwards.
Orders of Battle:
The Piedmontese Army.
* = unit armed with MLR, the rest armed with SM. All artillery is smoothbore, SA.
Army Commander: King Victor Emanuele II (see Special Rules below)
Army Reserve Artillery: 2 Foot Batteries

1st Division: Durando 1 Ldr (P)
2nd Division: Fanti 1 Ldr (P)
1st Granatieri di Sardegna Regt: 7 / 5 / 4
2nd Granatieri di Sardegna Regt: 7 / 5 / 4
1st Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 4
2nd Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 4
3rd Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
4th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
Divisional Artillery: 2 Foot Batter
3rd Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 4
4th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
5th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
6th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
1st Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
9th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
3rd Division: Mollard 1 Ldr
4th Division: Cialdini 1 Ldr (P)
7th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 4
8th Line Regt: 6 / 5 / 4
13th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
14th Line Regt: 6 / 5 / 4
2nd Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
10th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
Divisional Artillery: 2 Foot Battery
9th Line Regt: 8 / 7 / 5
10th Line Regt: 8 / 7 / 5
15th Line Regt: 8 / 7 / 6
16th Line Regt: 8 / 7 / 6
6th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
7th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
5th Division: Cucchiari 1 Ldr (P)
Cavalry Division: Di Sambuy 1 Ldr (P)
11th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 4
12th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
17th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
18th Line Regt: 7 / 6 / 5
5th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
8th Bersaglieri Btn: 3 / 2 / - L *
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Batter
Nizza / Savoia Brigade: 4 / - / 3
Piemonte Reale / Genova Brigade: 4 / - / 3
Divisional Artillery: 1 Horse Batter
Victor Emanuele II
The French Army
All infantry have MLR, all guns are RA. See Weapon Notes below.
Army Commander: Napoleon III (see Special rules below)
Corps Garde Imperiale: St. Jean D'Angely 1 Ldr
Corps Artillery Reserve: 1 Foot Battery, 1 Horse Battery
1er Division: Mellinet 1 Ldr
2e Division: Camou 1 Ldr
Zouaves de la Garde: 3 / 2 / - I A (4 / 3 / - L)
1er Grenadier Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
2e Grenadier Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
3e Grenadier Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Batter
Chasseurs de la Garde: 3 / - / - L)
1er Voltigeur Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
2e Voltigeur Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
3e Voltigeur Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
4e Voltigeur Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
Garde Cavalry Division: Morris 1 Ldr

Gd Cuirassier Brigade: 4 / 3 / -
Gd Drag / Lance Brigade: 4 / 3 / -
Gd Light Brigade: 3 / 2 / -
Divisional Artillery: 1 Horse Batter

1er Corps: Baraguey d'Hilliers 1 Ldr
Corps Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
1er Division: Forey 1 Ldr (E)
2e Division: Ladmirault 1 Ldr
17e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
74e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
84e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
91er Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
98e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
10e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
15e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
21er Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A E
61er Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A E
100e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
3e Division: Bazaine 1 Ldr
Cavalry Division: Desvaux 1 Ldr
1er Zouaves: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
33e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
34e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
37e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
78e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Batter
5e Hussars / 1er Chass d'Afrique Brigade: 4 / 3 / 2
2e & 3e Chass d'Afrique Brigade: 4 / 3 / 2
Divisional Artillery: 1 Horse Batter
2e Corps: MacMahon, Duc de Magenta 1 Ldr
Corps Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
Corps Cavalry Reserve: 4e & 7e Chass a Cheval Brigade 3 / - / 2
1er Division: La Motterouge 1 Ldr
2e Division: Decaen 1 Ldr (S - aggressive, see Special Rules below)
1er Turcos Regt: 7 / 5 / 3 I A E
45e Ligne Regt: 7 / 5 / 4 A
65e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
70e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
11e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
71er Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
72e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
2e Zouave Regt: 6 / 4 / 2 I A
1er Estranger Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 I A
2e Estranger Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 I A E
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
3e Corps: Canrobert 1 Ldr (P)
Corps Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
Corps Cavalry Reserve: 4 / 3 / 2

1er Division: Renault 1 Ldr
2e Division: Trochu 1 Ldr (E)
8e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
23e Ligne Regt: 7 / 5 / 4 A
41er Ligne Regt: 7 / 5 / 4 A
56e Ligne Regt: 7 / 5 / 4 A
90e Ligne Regt: 7 / 5 / 4 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
19e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
43e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
44e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
64e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
88e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
3e Division: Bourbaki 1 Ldr

18e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
11er Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
14e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
46e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
59e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery

4e Corps: Niel 1 Ldr (E)
Corps Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
Corps Cavalry Reserve (2e & 10e Chass a Cheval): 3 / - / 2
1er Division: de Luzy 1 Ldr
2e Division: Vinoy 1 Ldr
5e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
30e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
49e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
6e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
8e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
6e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
52e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
73e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
85e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
86e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
3e Division: de Failly 1 Ldr (P)

15e Chasseurs: 3 / 2 / - L
2e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
53e Ligne Regt: 6 / 5 / 3 A
55e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A E
76e Ligne Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 A
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery

The Austrian Army
All troops are armed with MLR, except those marked with a * which have SA. All guns are SB. See Weapons Notes below.
Commander in Chief: Emperor Franz Josef I (see Special rules below)
First Army Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
III Corps: Prinz v. Schwarzenberg 1 Ldr.
Corps Cavalry Reserve (10th Hussars): 3 / 2 / -
Corps Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot battery, 1 Horse Battery
1st Division: Schonberger 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Martini 1 Ldr
13th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
15th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
27th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
58th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
7th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
23rd Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
2 / 2nd Grenzer Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
5th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 6
14th Infantry Regt: 9 / 7 / 5 E
49th Infantry Regt: 9 / 7 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 2 Foot Battery
IX Corps: Graf Schaffgotsche 1 Ldr (P)
Corps Artillery Reserve: 3 Foot battery

1st Division: Baron Handl 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Graf Crenneville 1 Ldr (E)
16th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
1 / 8th Grenzer Btn: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
2 / 8th Grenzer Btn: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
19th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
34th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 6
40th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 2 Foot Battery
4th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
Titler Grenzer Btn: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
8th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
52nd Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 6
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
XI Corps: v. Weigl 1 Ldr

1st Division: Schwarel 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Baron v. Blomberg 1 Ldr (P)
1 / Wiener Freiwillige: 3 / - / 2 (4 / - / 3 L) *
35th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5 E
37th Infantry Regt (1 Btn): 4 / 3 / 2
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
21st Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
2 / 5th Grenzer Btn: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
9th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
42nd Infantry Regt: 9 / 7 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
1st Army Reserve Cavalry Division: Zedtwitz 1 Ldr (P)
1st Hussar Brigade: 5 / 3 / 2
2nd Dragoon Brigade: 5 / 3 / 2
Divisional Artillery: 1 Horse Battery
2nd Army Artillery Reserve: 2 Foot Battery
I Corps: Graf Clam - Gallas 1 Ldr (P)
Corps Reserve Artillery: 3 Foot Battery

1st Division: Graf Montenuovo 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Baron v. Blomberg 1 Ldr (P)
1st and 2nd / 11th Grenze Regt: 5 / 4 / 3 * or 2 units of 4 / 3 / 2 L *
2nd Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
29th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
60th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 7
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
14th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
24th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
16th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
48th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 7
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery, 1 Horse Battery
V Corps: Graf Stadion 1 Ldr
Corps Reserve Artillery: 3 Foot Battery
1st Division: Palffy 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Graf v. Sternberg 1 Ldr
1 / 1st Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
2 / 3rd Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
4th Btn / Kaiser Jager Regt: 3 / 2 / - L
3rd Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 6
31st Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
47th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 2 Foot Battery
1 / 3rd Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
6th Btn / Kaiser Jager Regt: 3 / 2 / - L
21st Infantry Regt: 11 / 8 / 6
32nd Infantry Regt: 11 / 9 / 6
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
VII Corps: Baron v. Zobel 1 Ldr
Corps Reserve Artillery: 3 Foot Battery, 1 Horse Battery
1st Division: Prinz v. Hesse 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Chevalier de Lilia 1 Ldr (P)
2 / 1st Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
1 / 4th Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
3rd Btn / Kaiser Jager Regt: 3 / 2 / - L
1st Infantry Regt: 10 / 7 / 4
54th Infantry Regt: 9 / 7 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
1 / 2nd Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
19th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
22nd Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
53rd Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 6
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
VIII Corps: Benedek 1 Ldr (E)
Corps Reserve Artillery: 3 Foot Battery
Corps Cavalry Reserve (1st Hussars): 3 / 2 / -
1st Division: Berger 1 Ldr
2nd Division: Lang 1 Ldr
2 / 4th Grenze Regt: 4 / 3 / 2 L *
2nd Btn / Kaiser Jager Regt: 3 / 2 / - L
7th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
11th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery
5th Btn / Kaiser Jager Regt: 3 / 2 / - L
3rd Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
9th Jager Btn: 3 / 2 / - L
17th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
39th Infantry Regt: 10 / 8 / 5
59th Infantry Regt: 9 / 7 / 5
Depot Regt (Depot Btns of Inf Regts 9, 18, 19 & 27): 7 / 6 / 4
Divisional Artillery: 1 Foot Battery, 1 Horse Battery
2nd Army Reserve Cavalry Division: Graf Mensdorff 1 Ldr (E)
1st Dragoon Brigade: 5 / 3 / 2
1st Uhlan Brigade: 4 / 3 / 2
Divisional Artillery: 1 Horse Battery
Deployment and Reinforcements.
07:00 Game Starts or 08:00 if doing the Southern board only - French / Piedmontese move first.
Deployed at the start
Northern Board:
VIII Corps: In squares F4, F5 and G3. Troops are in Skirmish, Unlimbered, Supported Line or Column of March
Central Board:
I Corps: In squares F10, F11, G11 and Cassiana. Troops are in Skirmish, Unlimbered, Supported Line or Column of March. All units deployed on high ground have defensive works, they receive a -1 when fired at and an additional +1 in close combat
V Corps: In squares E8 and E9. Troops are in Skirmish, Unlimbered, Supported Line or Column of March.
VII Corps: Deployed with the head of the column at the road junction J10. All units in road column or Limbered. They may not make any action until the 08:00 Austrian Phase.
2nd Army Artillery Reserve: In squares F9 and G9, they are Limbered.
Southern Board:
IX Corps: In squares D14, D15 and E13. Troops are in Skirmish, Unlimbered, Supported Line or Column of March. May not make any action until the 08:00 Austrian Phase.
Central Board:
2nd Army Cavalry Reserve: Arrives 08:30 in Column of March or Limbered. Along the road that enters the table at J9, behind the VII Corps.
Southern Board:
III Corps: Arrives 09:00 in Column of March or Limbered. Along the road that enters the table at H16.
1st Army Artillery Reserve: Arrives 09:30 Limbered. Along the road that enters the table at H16, behind III Corps.
XI Corps: Arrives 10:00 in Column of March or Limbered. Along the road that enters the table at H16, behind the 1st Army Artillery Reserve.
1st Army Cavalry Reserve: Arrives in Column of March or Limbered. Along the road that enters the table at H16, behind XI Corps. It needs to roll a D6 to arrive. The scores needed to arrive on the following turns being:- 10:30 6, 11:00 5, 6, 11:30 4, 5 or 6, etc. A throw of a 1 is always a failure.
Deployed at the start:
Northern Board:
1st Division: In square D5 in any desired formation.
2nd Division: In square D3 in any desired formation.
5th Division: In square D1 in any desired formation.
Northern Board:
Starting with the 12:00 Allied Turn the Piedmontese player or players may chose one of the following formations to attempt to bring on as a reinforcement. 3rd Division, 4th Division, Cavalry Division or the Army Artillery Reserve. They state which unit they are rolling for and which of the 6 squares in the D row they will appear in. Place a marked in the square to indicate that the unit, if it arrives, will arrive there. This marked may not be subsequently moved if the unit fails to arrive that turn, the unit is committed to arriving there when it does arrive. A single D6 is then rolled and on a 6 that unit may make a move onto the table. Only one unit a turn may be rolled for. Any units appearing will be in column of March or Limbered.
Deployed at the start:
Central Board:
1st Corps: In squares C7, C8 and C9. May be in any desired formation.
Central Board:
Corps Garde Imperiale: Arrives during the 08:00 Allied turn. Enters the board at square C9 in any desired formation.
2nd Corps: Arrives during the 09:00 Allied turn. Enters the board at squares C10 and C11 in any desired formation.
Southern Board:
4th Corps: Arrives during the 08:00 Allied turn. Enters the board at square A13 in any desired formation.
3rd Corps: Arrives during the 10:00 Allied turn. Enters the board at square A15 Column of March or Limbered.

All the villages and towns give a -1 fire and melee bonus, except Solferino Tower (E9) which gives a -2.
The rivers, marked with a thick line are impassable except were crossed by a road or a bridge. These are the 6 small sections coming from the north on to the northern map. The Redona river which goes from square D6 through to K5 and is in the Northern and Central sectors. Finally the Chiese river which runs from A13 to A16 on the southern board.
All other rivers count as a 1" wide stream for movement and gives a -1 combat advantage to units defending them.
The woods (Green patches) counts as rough going for movement and gives a -1 advantage in fire combat and melee.
The patches of rough ground (Orange patches) count as rough going for movement and block line of sight, but do not give any fire or melee advantages.
The slopes in the Northern sector with orange hatching around them and the hill that these enclose are extremely difficult going. Only troops in Skirmish formation may cross them / move on them and they do so at half rate.
Weapon Notes:
In reality a percentage, 30 to 40%, were armed with muskets. While similarly some of the French artillery was still smoothbore. I have chosen to count all the Austrian's, except the Grenzer, as being rifle armed and similarly all the French artillery.
Tactical Doctrine:
General: Units marked L are in skirmish formation
French: All units marked with A, get all the benefits and disadvantages of Assault tactics if they are in Supported Line or Attack Column. In addition units marked with a I, receive all the benefits and disadvantages. All French Infantry receive a -1 on the manoever chart if they are in Unsupported Line formation.
Piedmontese: All infantry units receive a -2 on the manoever chart if they are not in Assault Column, Column of March or Skirmishing. They DO NOT receive the bonuses, etc of being in Assault Column.
Austrian: All non skirmishing infantry receive a -1 if they are in Unsupported Line.
Special Rules:
The Emperors: Normally commanders higher than Corps level are not represented in Fire and Fury games. In this case they have a limited role on the battlefield. The Emperors may act as a higher, additional, commander in the chain of command. They have a command radius of 2" only. Victor Emanuele is a Exceptional Leader, while the other Emperors are ordinary leaders. The allied Emperors may only effect units of their own nation.
Decaen (2nd Division, 2nd French Corps): This commander showed noteable aggression during this battle. Therefore units under his command may not voluntarily move away from the enemy. Although they are still allowed to withdraw the minimum distance required to replenish ammunition. In addition they must comply with any result obtained on the movement table or from close combat that requires a retreat, withdraw or rout.
The Thunderstorm: At 17:00 there was a thunderstorm which effected the rest of the battle. During this turn all fire combat involving Infantry suffers a -2 dice roll modifier and all other combat a -1. In the post thunderstorm turns Infantry fire combat receives a -1 dice roll modifier, other combat is not effected. Plus all movement is at 3/4 the normal speed.
Victory Conditions:
The normal victory point can be earned for enemy units being worn, spent, etc. With the exception that skirmishing infantry units (those marked with a L) and cavalry are worth half the points of a normal unit.
Death of an Emperor: Strictly speaking the death of any of the Emperors present would have brought the battle to an end. So that the battle may continue the following rules may be used. If one of the Emperors dies during the game the opponent gets the following victory points, 50 if the Piedmontese Emperor dies, 100 if the French and 150 if the Austrian. They also automatically get the victory points they can gain on the sectors of the battlefield that the effected nation occupies. The nation that has lost its Emperor must move its forces off the table as quickly as possible. Units of that nation must make at least a half move each turn (if allowed to by the movement tables) towards exiting the board from the side they originally occupied. For each unit that they exit off the table within 4 turns of the Emperors death they receive 1 victory point, within the 5th to 8th turns after a death they receive half a victory points per unit. For example if the Piedmontese Emperor is killed during the 13:00 turn the following things would happen. The Austrian's would receive 50 v.p's for his death and 50 v.p
Northern Sector
Occupying San Martino (G3) at the end of the game: Austrian's 20 v.p's, Piedmontese 10 v.p's.
Occupying Pozzolengo (I5) at the end of the game: Austrian's 5 v.p's, Piedmontese 40 v.p's.
Occupying Pozzolengo (I5) at any time during the game: Piedontese 10 v.p's.
Having an unspent, non skirmishing Infantry unit on the ridge I6 to K3 at the end of the turn: Piedmontese 1 v.p. per turn
If there are no unspent, non skirmishing Piedmontese Infantry units in this sector at the end of the game: Austrian's 25 v.p's.
Central Sector
Occupying Barche (C7) at the end of the game: Austrian's 5 v.p's.
Occupying Solferino Tower (E9) at the end of the game: Austrian's 10 v.p's, French 5 v.p's.
Occupying Solferino (E8 / 9) at the end of the game: Austrian's 20 v.p's, French 10 v.p's.
Occupying Casa Marino (C12) at the end of the game: Austrian's 5 v.p's.
Occupying Cassiano (E10) at the end of the game: Austrian's 10 v.p's, French 5 v.p's.
Occupying Caviana (G11) at the end of the game: Austrian's 20 v.p's, French 20 v.p's.
Occupying the road junction (J10) at the end of the game: French 40 v.p's.
Southern Sector
Occupying Medole (A13) at the end of the game: Austrian's 20 v.p's.
Occupying the bridge (A15) at the end of the game: Austrian's 20 v.p's.
Occupying Baste (D14) at the end of the game: Austrian's 10 v.p's, French 10 v.p's.
Occupying Rebecco (D15) at the end of the game: Austrian's 10 v.p's, French 10 v.p's.
Occupying Guidizollo (F14) at the end of the game: French 40 v.p's.

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