
Thursday, 25 June 2009


1. The Zouaves were a mix of indigenous Arab and French origin troops.They had three H.Q's in 1852 one in Constantine, another in Oran and a third in Blidhah. The Corps called the African hunters effectively were Chasseurs a Pied, Zouaves and Turcos. They wee a special military corps inserted into the regular army in 1831. They distinquished themselves in Crimea and Italy with particular glory at the battle of Palestro.. It won them the medal of honour on their flag.They used the Carbine mod.1846 and 1853
Italian 15mm dragoons

A painting of the Battle of Magenta

French infantry on the attack

Zouaves MAGENTA 2005 . This time the battle was refought in its real place the City

Austrian artillery at Magenta

Where the Frenchdead lay=The Bonery.

Piedmontese infantry

Again the Piedmonts

Napoleon III Mokarex


Faidherbe above and here Fleury
Faidherbe didn't take part in the Italin wars but his story is interesting all the same.He opposed El Hadj Omar and besieged Medina fort, freeing the city 18 July 1857. He drove out the Moors in the North and annexed the  country of Ouolof (Treaty in may 1858).

The annexation of the Cayor (1861-1865) allowed the French to reach the road between Saint-Louis in the Cape Peninsula.

He took an interest in local dialects, customs and undertook economic development, including the  Dakar-Niger railway which became prosperous.

In 1861, sick, it seeks its return to the metropolis.  then a colonel. He received command of the subdivision of Sidi-bel-Abbès, but restarted for Senegal in 1863 and left in 1865.

With few resources he cast the future French West Africa bases. It expanded  French influence beyond  Senegal,he  worked to develop the local economy, and was the creator of the port of Dakar. he fully assumed its role as "civilisateur". Promoted General in 1863, he was given  a modest command in Algeria.

In 1867 he is general commanding the subdivision of Bône. In 1870 the Declaration of war  surprises  Lille, where he performs a stay of convalescence. Léon Gambetta appointed him General of a division on 23 November and  entrusts the head of the army of the North (45,000 men). It hunted several places Prussiens, won victories at the battle of Pont Noyelles (1870) and the battle of Bapaume (1871).

He was then elected MP for the North. Senator in 1879, he opposed the Georges Boulanger. In 1880 he became grand Chancellor of the Legion of honour.

He also headed a scientific mission to Egypt. He left many ethnography and geography work on West Africa, as well as a directory of Senegal in four languages: French, ouolof, toucouleur and sarra-khollé
magenta by fattori

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